Photo for Essay Contest

The purpose of this essay contest  is to contribute to the production of policy solutions which advance the access and opportunity strategic goals of the University of Iowa. IIt incentivizes undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree-seeking students to contribute to important campus policy discussions addressing campus needs by means of a competitive essay competition where students advocate for a specific course of action to resolve an established need. It is dedicated to bridging relationships between stakeholders and creating mutually beneficial conversations expanding campus decisionmakers’ awareness of student perceptions of gaps in Iowa’s current policies around a specific issue. This contest advances student habits of the mind guided by critical reasoning as they learn to support and defend their advocacy.


We are excited to share our first round of award winning essays and their recorded presentations!

Annelise Richardson - "On Campus Student Employment Increase Baseline Pay"

Cesar Perez - "Criminal History Check Box"

Natalie Gustin - "The Invisible Community - Finding a Space for Disabled Students at Iowa"

Ryan Cavanaugh - "University of Iowa Proposal on Preferred Names and Accountability for Trans Students"

Yasmina Sahir - "Adoption of a Separate Middle Eastern, North African and Arab (MENA) Racial Categories"